Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Do You Have Any Regrets?

Do You Have Any Regrets?

Kekich's Credo # 4 states:

Real regrets only come from not doing your best. All else is out of your control. You're measured by results only. Trade excuses and "trying" for results, and expect half-hearted results from half-hearted efforts. Do more than is expected of you. Life's easy when you live it the hard way...and hard if you try to live it the easy way.

Read that one again...really...please read this one a second time...

Think about the things you regret.

Think of the things you wish had gone or wish would be going differently in your life. Are they things you have control over? If not, FIDO! (Forget It and Drive On!)

However, if you are regretting things you have or had control over...chances are the statement above is 100% applicable.

We all have some regrets. We have all done things half way. OK...so what...

We can decide never to have anything to regret from now on. The past does not equal the future so you can simply decide to never create another regret from this day forward.

Think of the regrets you may have...

Did you get in shape last year when you promised yourself that you would?

Did you mend a relationship that has been weighing heavily on your mind?

Did you come down harder on a child, employee, spouse, customer, Barista at Starbucks, than you should have?

Did you make or save as much money as you wanted to over the last 5 years?

You get the idea...take a moment and write down the top 10 regrets you have.

Do you notice a trend? Are they all things that you could have created a different outcome for?

Is there a pattern of behavior here? After all, we humans are a reactive lot, programmed to repeat the same habits unless there is a conscious effort to act otherwise.

How does this apply to health?

You're decisions lead to the actions, or inactions, which result in an outcome...your state of health, wealth, relationships etc. In short...your life!

Some of you may be loudly protesting, "Nu-Uh! It's my genes. It's thanks to my lousy genetics."

Sorry! It doesn't work that way unless you have a rare genetic mutation like Tay-Sachs syndrome. Even then, I don't buy it because you can still maximize your situation, rather than let it control you.

Modern science has confirmed that the victim mentality that blames everything on faulty genetics is false.

It's more related to your environment. A supportive and healthy environment allows optimal genetic expression. A lousy environment reduces your genetic potential. It's Nature VIA Nurture...not vs.

Our lousy state of health, wealth, relationships, or anything else for that matter, is a direct result of "Stinkin' Thinkin'", crappy living and the acceptance of the idea that, "This is as good as it gets."

Inaccurate beliefs and thoughts lead to flawed decisions and counterproductive actions. This all ends up as less than desirable results.

Yep! It's all on our own shoulders. You, and only you, are responsible for the quality of your life...your state of health, wealth, relationships and happiness.

So, deal with it...don't regret it. If you don't like it, get busy and create a different reality. The cool thing is that with each day, you have an opportunity for a Do-Over. You get to set a new trajectory. You get to create a whole new reality...one that ensures you never create another regret. You get to decide how you react to those things in life that you have no control over.

Here's your exercise.

Have you ever noticed that when people talk about the future, they talk about what they DON"T want.

"In 5 years, I DON"T want to be doing..."

"I DON"T want to end up in a nursing home with a drool bucket strapped to my shin."

"I DON"T want to gain another 20 pounds."

"I DON"T want to smoke, but I just CAN"T quit."

Remember, you attract that which you focus on the most. If you are in the "DON'T" mindset, your just attracting more of that. STOP IT!

Instead, use your words to reprogram your mind on what you DO want.

"In 5 years I want to be doing..."

"When I'm old and gray, I want to be happy, healthy and active...I want to be running 10K's"

"I am getting so much thinner and in better shape every day. In the next year I am going to be 20 pounds lighter and feel more energetic"

"I'm done with this nasty smoking habit. I want to breath better."

See, these statements make you resonate at a much higher frequency than "DON'T" statements. You will begin to attract that which you focus on the most...you get to decide how you program yourself.

Does this sound hokie and too metaphysical to you?

Have you ever left a friends house after they just complained about how they don’t have this or that and how their life sucks?

I have...all I wanted to do is go home and take a shower to wash their emotional puke off me!

Why did I feel like that? Their energy was a downer...they were resonating at a lower, crappy frequency.

Now, compare that to hanging around positive, optimistic people...it's energizing, isn't it.

You control our frequency. You control our decisions. You control our actions. You control our outcome.

Decide what it is you DO want. Write it down. Look at it every day. Create a future that is void of regrets.


No Regrets and No Whining! Just DO IT!

Be Well,

Dr. Pete

P.S. Please pass this on to someone who needs to hear it. There is so much negative crap flying around in the news and so many people running around wringing their hands in fear that we need to change the frequency!

My goal is to have 10,000 people reading and sharing this blog by October 2009. Let's be the ripple that builds into a Tsunami of self responsibility, healthy living and social consciousness.

Posture and Your Health and Longevity

"Hunched Posture" Predicts Early Death

This is truly an amazing and important study, published in a major medical journal. Everyone knows about the damaging effects of smoking, alcoholism and obesity; having a bent forward upper spine is in the same class. --- Dr. Pete

Hyperkyphotic Posture Predicts Mortality in Older Community-Dwelling Men and Women: A Prospective Study
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society
From: Volume 52 Issue 10, October 2004, Page 1662
Deborah M. Kado, MD; Ms. Mei-Hua Huang; DrPH; Arun S. Karlamangla, MD, PhD; Elizabeth Barrett-Connor, MD and Gail A. Greendale, MD.

1. This study of 1,353 participants followed for an average of 4.2 years shows that hyperkyphosis [i.e., hunched over spine where the head is held forward and the shoulders are rounded, the posture usually seen in un-corrected older spines] is not primarily caused by osteoporosis.

2. Hyperkyphotic posture is more common in men than women (44% in men, 22% of women).

3. Hyperkyphosis is frequently observed in older persons.

4. In the study, persons with even slight hyperkyphosis had a 1.44 times greater rate of mortality than those without hyperkyphotic posture.

5. Hyperkyphosis is significantly associated with deaths due to atherosclerosis.

6. Hyperkyphosis increased deaths due to atherosclerosis by 2.4 times.

7. In these seniors, the greater the hyperkyphotic posture, the greater the rates of death.

8. The hyperkyphotic posture reflects an increased rate of physiological aging. [Very Important]

9. Atherosclerosis and hyperkyphosis have a common underlying pathology. My explanation is: Hyperkyphosis puts increased pressure on the heart, not allowing it to pump efficiently, causing blood stasis which contributes to atherosclerosis.

10. Hyperkyphotic posture predicts increased mortality. This means earlier death!

11. Interventions specifically targeted at improving hyperkyphotic posture (such as Advanced Biostructural Correction) could result in reduced mortality rates." [Ya think?]

The reason this didn't make the evening news is that up until now, there has been no consistent way to correct hyperkyphosis. If you are under care at this office, you probably know differently.

The earlier in life you detect and correct these things, the easier it is to do, and the more health the person gets to enjoy. Get your teenaged friends checked, PLEASE!

Talk about Inflation!!

This is important...

Today I heard the most depressing statistic I've heard in a long while...it's official...

According to a the most recent government study, the number of people classified as obese has surpassed the number of people simply deemed overweight. What this means is that there are now more REALLY FAT people than just plain ol' fat people in the U.S.

What are the main causes of obesity in America today?

The main causes of obesity in America are unhealthy eating habits and lack of physical activity. Eating foods high in calories, trans-fats, and sugars has lead to obesity. These foods are economical, available at a number of food outlets. Also, lack of physical exertion and sedentary habits such as watching television, sitting for hours in front of computers and playing video games has resulted in the rise of obesity. Apart from unhealthy lifestyle, other factors such as behavioral factors and genetics are some of the causes of obesity in America today.

According to International Health, Raquet and Sportsclub Association (IHRSA) Obesity/Weight Control Report, the obesity epidemic in America is growing day by day. According to these statistics, there is a dangerously overweight U.S. population.

Obesity is increasing greatly in the United States: 3.8 million people have weight over 300 pounds. Over 400,000 people carry over 400 pounds. Most of these are males. The average adult female in USA weighs an at 163 pounds!

The National Center for Health (NCH) has also been tracking America’s obesity problem for more than four decades. Their findings given below support the growing obesity epidemic in America.

* Between 1962 and 2000, the obese people grew from 13% to 31% of the population.
* 68% of Americans are overweight with a BMI in excess of 25.0
* 31% are obese with a BMI in excess of 30.0 (This was in 2000...the latest stats show a different picture!)
* Childhood obesity has more than tripled in the past two decades
* Obesity is responsible for 300,000 deaths every year.

Are you concerned? Whether you have a weight problem, or not, you should be. You see, America is going to collapse under it's own weight.

Think of the mess our "health-care" system is in already. Well, it's about to get much worse unless we do something, right away!

It's been long proven that when you are overweight, your risk of diabetes, heart disease, stroke and cancer increase exponentially. Whose going to pick up the tab? That's right...your kids! The next generation is going to be stuck with the bill for our gluttony. The only problem there is that they learn their eating habits from their parents. What kind of shape do you think they are going to be in?

If you aren't reading this and thinking, "HOLY CRAP"....time to wake up!

As you know by now if you have been following my posts of Kecich's Credo, you know that I'm not into excuses, but rather, the no-holds-barred, no-victims, no-whining, handle-the-problem-head-on-without-flinching approach to life. I'm also pretty darn direct and not too concerned about beng "touchy-feely." As a nation, we have become overly sensitive and need to just suck it up and deal with 'what is' rather than putting such a premium on comfort, convenience and our ever-growing sense of entitlement.

So here's the deal...if you're fat (yes, I'm being politically incorrect...but accurate) TAKE CHARGE AND CHANGE YOUR HABITS...DECIDE TO BE PART OF THE SOLUTION, RATHER THAN PART OF THE PROBLEM.

If you have friends or family members who are overweight...HELP THEM! Encourage them, offer to work out with them. Go for a daily walk with them. Teach them how to eat better and cook healthier foods, take classes with them. Get your church to go for a 5 mile walk every Sunday instead of eating jelly donuts, cinnamon buns and cookies after the service. Organize a nightly "after dinner walk" in your neighborhood. Get a community Frisbee game going on weekends...the ideas and possibilities are endless...just get people moving!

Loosing weight is NOT easy. I get it! But it is do-able. There are many reasons for obesity...emotional trauma, self-esteem, depression, toxic overload, food allergies, hormone imbalances, and plain old "pigging out."

There are solutions to all of the above. Commit to finding what works for you and DO IT.

If you can't do it on your own....get help. For the sake of your health, for the sake of your kids, for the sake of this great country...JUST FREAKIN' DO IT!

If we don't address this issue with a real sense of urgency...where do you think we will be in 2019? 68% of this country is overweight! The Army has had to lower it's fitness standards in order to be able to fill it's ranks. Forget what you may think about this current situation in Iraq...what do you think the future defense of this country is going to look like? As a former Marine Officer and combat leader, I shudder at the thought!

PLEASE take this issue seriously. I'm sorry if my directness struck a chord or hurt your feelings...get mad at me...and then get over it!

Dr. Lolin and I really do care and are more than happy to help you. We do understand that it is not easy and, like giving up smoking or alcohol, it will require life-long vigilance and determination to stay at a healthier weight...but, again, it can be done.

Be well,

Dr. Pete

P.S., I'll continue with the Credo's periodically. As I find important health information though, I'm going to plug that in to keep things interesting.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Have You Ever Saved a Life?

Have you ever saved a life?

On Tuesday, October 9, 2008 at 12:42, I did.

Now, I was an EMT in college for a while and had the opportunity to save a few people...lost a few, too. Back then, saving a life was an ego boost. It was all about me...the hero. (At least in my mind and in the minds of my fellow, young and naive EMTs who were just waiting for their next turn to be the hero.)

This time was different.

This time, I didn't feel the elation or adrenalin rush of, "YES! I am good!" like I just scored a goal. No this time I was overwhelmed with gratitude.

Gratitude that I was at the right place, at the right time, with the right knowledge and skills to help a friend in need. Gratitude that the EMTs who showed up were competent, caring professionals. Gratitude that I was able to reach my friends wife and that she was able to meet him at the ER. Grateful that my friend is going to live and be well. Most of all, grateful for all the gifts, talents, dreams, hopes, desires and wishes that I have and that I can share for another day with my family and friends.

You see, with the exhale of just one breath...this all ends...some time.

Now, I don't believe that the end is something to be feared...unless you get there and think, "Holy Crap! My game is over and I haven't even started playing yet!" That has to suck!

My friend didn't have that fear.

He's an amazing guy! He's a self made man. He, his wife and his whole family started and built a business. They take great care of their customers. They take great care of each other and they have built their life from a tiny little house and business to a scale that most people can not even imagine owning.

I asked him one time what he attributes his success to. (I think it's a good question to ask of those whom you respect and would like to emulate. Every time I ask it of a highly successful person, I learn a new pearl of wisdom.) He simply said, "I just always go for what I want."

Well, I'm going to skip ahead in Kekich's Credo to number 56...

Identify exactly what it is you want. This takes a lot of thought. Then don't let anything stand in your way of getting it.

Pretty easy, eh?

Not really.

If it was easy all of you who want to lose weight, get rid of chronic pain, have better digestion, regain your energy, would already be there.

There is a back side to that statement. I've learned that knowing what you want is only the first step. It's the target that you are aiming at. However, what "they" don't tell you is that once you know what it is you want you have to be Persistent, Consistent and Resistant.

Persistence makes it so you keep trying when you fail. (BTW, you never fail, you simply get feedback. With feedback you can make a correction, get up and try again.)

Consistency makes it a habit.

Resistance allows you to persist despite all the counter-forces life is going to throw at you.

Let's take weight loss as an example...

How many times have you known, seen or experienced this...

A person is making great strides on a new diet. They are disciplined, actively making different food choices rather than reflexively living on the See-Food diet...(They eat what they see). Then, all of a sudden, BAM! Life throws them a curve ball. A parent dies, they get in a car accident, their dog runs away...

What happens? They get off the diet. Or they stop their workout routine, or they stop their date-night with their spouse, or what ever their committed goal was.

These are the same people who will later say, "Yeah, I tried that...but it doesn't work"

Here's a hint...

They're right!

As Henry Ford said, "Whether you think you can or can't...you're right."

But the real truth is that they didn't work it! They didn't have the resistance to stay on their diet, or keep up with their workouts, or what ever "it" is.

So the question has to be asked...How badly did they REALLY want that goal?

What goal are you neglecting in life that you keep thinking about or talking about but haven't taken action on?

Is it something you REALLY want to do? Decide that first. Is it something you will have the persistence, consistency and resistance for?

If so...BEGIN IT...like…TODAY!

If not, stop kidding yourself and move on to something you WILL do.

Remember, their is no such thing as failure...only feedback. So, go ahead...start. Fail fast and fail early so you can make the appropriate corrections and reaffirm your commitment.

Face it! Anything that is worthwhile in life takes energy and work.

But, here's the deal...

In a moment, it's all over.

In a moment all those hopes, dreams and desires vanish.

Do you want to face that moment thinking, "Dang, I wish I shoulda, woulda or coulda." Or will you face it, like my friend did, with the attitude, "I DID IT!"

I am grateful for every second of every day. (I wasn't always so grateful, by-the-way.)

I am grateful I could save a life.

I hope you, too, can someday save a life.

I think you will now find, as I did, that it also saves yours.

Be Well,

Dr. Pete

How do You spend Your Time?

How do you spend your time?

Thanks to those of you who have given me feedback on my Maiden Voyage into the mass e-mail world...

Sounds like people are eager to hear what's on deck next...

Well, let's get right to it...

Kekich Credo #2:

Cherish time, your most valuable resource. You can never make up the time you lose. It's the most important value for any productive, happy individual and is the only limitation to all accomplishment. To waste time is to waste your life. The most important choices you'll ever make are how you use your time.

I think we can all agree that this is a true statement.

We all know it, but do we live it?

If you are like me, you've spent hours trying to create a system that allows you to manage your time more efficiently. You may have even spent money on courses, programs and seminars to help you squeeze more results out of the time you have been given each day...it's the same amount for every one...24 hours...a total of 1440 minutes...that comes out to 86, 400 seconds of every single day. (That's 31, 536, 000 seconds a year!)

Why is it that some people seem to be able to get so much done in a day and others go to bed asking, "What the heck did I do today?"

We live in hectic times...It's the information age. Everything moves faster and we are expected to handle 20 things at once...yesterday! No wonder everyone is stressed out, tired, living on coffee and feeling like crap!

So here is the secret...


I know what you're saying, "Wait a minute, Doc...Isn’t this segment about how precious time is as a resource?"

Hang with me for a second, here...

What if you stop focusing on managing time and begin by focusing on PRIORITIES.

There are two concepts here...

The first is to start "majoring only in major things rather than majoring in minor things." There are many things that are urgent. There are other things which are important. Then there are the urgent AND important things.

How do you decide what is what and where to place your attention?

You have to have goals. You have to know what your desired outcome is. Whether you are talking about a health goal, a wealth goal, a relationship goal...it doesn't matter. You need to be crystal clear about what you want to get out of your time and your life. Now it's easy to decide what task is important, urgent, important AND urgent or just a waste of your time. Same thing with people, places and things.

So here's what you do...you say YES to only those tasks, people, places and things that are going to get you closer to your goal and you say no to those that won't.

The second concept is that of the "Obtuse Goal." What I mean by this is that you don't focus on the goal itself...but on the action steps that get you closer to the goal. You don't climb a mountain by looking at the top the whole time. You focus on the next few steps. (Or if you have ever been at altitude...the very next step ONLY, and then the next one and so on) The ultimate goal is in the background. It's the reason for the action steps...however, you only glance up every so often to look at it and make sure your actions are still moving you in that direction.

So, you see...it's really about priorities. Time Management becomes the obtuse goal...the next action step which leads you closer to the person you want to become is now the focus of your attention. Based upon that paradigm, now it's easy to choose how to spend your time, where to spend your time and whom to spend your time with.

This may sound a little cold hearted and calculated to you but guess what...


Don't be apologetic if you want to maximize the time you have. Set a specific time to exercise, to prepare for the day, to rest, to socialize, to work, etc. Set “end points” for every thing you do. “I’m going to work out from 0630 to 0700. I’m going to shower and dress from 0700 to 0720. I’m going to make and eat breakfast from 0720 to 0745.” You get the idea. Stick to the time limits. Don’t allow interruptions.

Set a certain time or a couple of times a day for “catch-up” sessions. Maybe 15 minutes every morning and evening to handle things that would normally be interruptions. If an emergency pops up, simply get back on the plan at the appropriate place on your timeline and plan.

David Kekich is right...Time is your most valuable resource. How are you spending yours? Who will you have become 31, 536,000 seconds from now? Or even 315,360,000 seconds from now? (That's 10 years from now.)

You get to decide...You get to take action. You get to pick your priorities...when you do, you'll find time takes care of itself.

Be well.

'Til next time...

Dr. Pete

The Maiden Voyage...

The Maiden Voyage...
Finally, after a number of fits and starts, I am sending an e-newsletter...of sorts.

You see, over the past few weeks I have been working on another book project. (Actually, three...but I've finally focused on the next one I want to finish...more on that at a later date...)

During this time of research, great mental effort and little sleep, I came across Kekich's Credo. (Do a Google search and you will find it.)

David Kekich is a guy who has “been there, done that…got the tee-shirt.” He has built and managed numerous billion dollar businesses. In 1999 he founded of the Maximum Life Foundation, a non-profit which provides funding for advanced anti-aging research. Hopefully, one of these days I will be able to catch up with David to do a telephone interview so you all can learn more from this master of business.

I read David’s Credo and really liked it! It is obviously written by a person who has overcome some serious challenges in life and refused to play the victim...and he has won!

On a whim, I decided to call the number of his foundation in order to ask if I could use the Kekich Credo in an upcoming course I am working on. I didn't really think I would get him, but I thought it wouldn’t hurt to leave a message.

Well, as predicted, I got a voice recording asking me to leave a message. So I did...

"Hi, Mr. Kekich, my name is Dr. Pete Hilgartner. I am calling from Leesburg, Virginia. I just finished a book entitled 'The Secrets of how to Feel 20 Years Younger in 90 Days or Less'. In the process of doing some research for a follow-on seminar to my book, I came across your Credo. I want to ask you for permission to use this and would like to discuss the details at your convenience." I gave my cell phone number and moved on to the next task on my always full To-Do list.


"Hi, Dr. Hilgartner, this is David Kekich. I just got your call…what can I do for you?

We talked for about 15 minutes as he explained his project, (go to www.maxlife.org) and I talked about mine and the vision I have of offering Anti-Aging and Peak Performance information products and seminars both live and on the web. We discussed my book and I told him I would send a copy.

After we hung up I thought, "How many times does a busy guy like that call you right back?”

My next thought was, "Now there is a guy who lives what he speaks and has the results to show for it."

So, I had an idea... (I am known to have a few hundred a minute! Some are actually worth acting on...)

I had been reading the Kekich Credo every morning before I go to work. I have been taking each one in sequential order (there are 100) seeing how I can apply it to my life that day...as a way to drive the point home. Yeah, it takes a little time, planning and discipline but it's about getting massive results in life, for me! Ya can't whine about a little effort if that's what you're looking for.

So here's the idea...

Most of you signed up for this newsletter to learn tips and tricks for better health. Like me, you have decided to take charge of your health and seek information. Some of you have even told me you want to hear from me because you resonate with my own spin on health related subjects.

So what I'm going to do once or twice a week over the next few months is go down the Kekich Credo and discuss how that particular segment can be applied in your life in order to take you ever closer to your health goals.

Who knows, maybe along the way you will find some points that will help you improve the rest of your life, relationships, job, etc, as I have.

So here is a preview...

1. People will do almost anything to stay in their comfort zones. If you want to accomplish anything, get out of your comfort zone. Strive to increase order and discipline in your life. Discipline usually means doing the opposite of what you feel like doing. The easy roads to discipline are 1) setting deadlines, 2) discovering and doing what you do best and what's important and enjoyable to you and 3) focusing on habits by replacing your bad habits and thought patterns, one-by-one, over time, with good habits and thought patterns.

What health habits (or lack thereof) are you holding on to that are keeping you from your goals?

Are you trying to lose weight? Get strong? Get rid of back pain? Maybe you're ignoring your high blood pressure or triglycerides. "Yumm! that pizza just looks too good! I'll be more disciplined tomorrow..."

Here's a wake up call...NO YOU WON'T!

If you want a different outcome in your life, on any dynamic, you have to DO something different, NOW! The same-ol', same-ol 'is gonna get you the same-ol', same-ol'.

Yes, new habits are tough. They take you out of your comfort zone.

Getting up in the morning to stretch before you do anything else (OK, you can go pee first) is going to be new...but what will you gain? Is the pleasure of what you will gain worth the short term discomfort of doing what you haven't done before? What about giving up the donuts and replacing it with an egg? How about taking a walk instead of watching TV?

Change is actually easy once you decide what it is that you really want and don't let anything stand in the way of making that decision a reality. Excuses are simply a way for you to stay in your comfort zone.

When you hear that little voice in your head start to make excuses or rationalize, shout "STOP! Thank you for sharing...now go away...I choose to _______ (fill in the blank.) I'm DONE with my comfort zone!"

You can certainly stay in that warm bed and not go for that walk you planned. After all you can start tomorrow...

The choice is yours...but so are the results.

How are your choices working for you...?

'Til next time,

Be well,

Dr. Pete