Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Do You Have Any Regrets?

Do You Have Any Regrets?

Kekich's Credo # 4 states:

Real regrets only come from not doing your best. All else is out of your control. You're measured by results only. Trade excuses and "trying" for results, and expect half-hearted results from half-hearted efforts. Do more than is expected of you. Life's easy when you live it the hard way...and hard if you try to live it the easy way.

Read that one again...really...please read this one a second time...

Think about the things you regret.

Think of the things you wish had gone or wish would be going differently in your life. Are they things you have control over? If not, FIDO! (Forget It and Drive On!)

However, if you are regretting things you have or had control over...chances are the statement above is 100% applicable.

We all have some regrets. We have all done things half way. OK...so what...

We can decide never to have anything to regret from now on. The past does not equal the future so you can simply decide to never create another regret from this day forward.

Think of the regrets you may have...

Did you get in shape last year when you promised yourself that you would?

Did you mend a relationship that has been weighing heavily on your mind?

Did you come down harder on a child, employee, spouse, customer, Barista at Starbucks, than you should have?

Did you make or save as much money as you wanted to over the last 5 years?

You get the idea...take a moment and write down the top 10 regrets you have.

Do you notice a trend? Are they all things that you could have created a different outcome for?

Is there a pattern of behavior here? After all, we humans are a reactive lot, programmed to repeat the same habits unless there is a conscious effort to act otherwise.

How does this apply to health?

You're decisions lead to the actions, or inactions, which result in an outcome...your state of health, wealth, relationships etc. In short...your life!

Some of you may be loudly protesting, "Nu-Uh! It's my genes. It's thanks to my lousy genetics."

Sorry! It doesn't work that way unless you have a rare genetic mutation like Tay-Sachs syndrome. Even then, I don't buy it because you can still maximize your situation, rather than let it control you.

Modern science has confirmed that the victim mentality that blames everything on faulty genetics is false.

It's more related to your environment. A supportive and healthy environment allows optimal genetic expression. A lousy environment reduces your genetic potential. It's Nature VIA Nurture...not vs.

Our lousy state of health, wealth, relationships, or anything else for that matter, is a direct result of "Stinkin' Thinkin'", crappy living and the acceptance of the idea that, "This is as good as it gets."

Inaccurate beliefs and thoughts lead to flawed decisions and counterproductive actions. This all ends up as less than desirable results.

Yep! It's all on our own shoulders. You, and only you, are responsible for the quality of your life...your state of health, wealth, relationships and happiness.

So, deal with it...don't regret it. If you don't like it, get busy and create a different reality. The cool thing is that with each day, you have an opportunity for a Do-Over. You get to set a new trajectory. You get to create a whole new reality...one that ensures you never create another regret. You get to decide how you react to those things in life that you have no control over.

Here's your exercise.

Have you ever noticed that when people talk about the future, they talk about what they DON"T want.

"In 5 years, I DON"T want to be doing..."

"I DON"T want to end up in a nursing home with a drool bucket strapped to my shin."

"I DON"T want to gain another 20 pounds."

"I DON"T want to smoke, but I just CAN"T quit."

Remember, you attract that which you focus on the most. If you are in the "DON'T" mindset, your just attracting more of that. STOP IT!

Instead, use your words to reprogram your mind on what you DO want.

"In 5 years I want to be doing..."

"When I'm old and gray, I want to be happy, healthy and active...I want to be running 10K's"

"I am getting so much thinner and in better shape every day. In the next year I am going to be 20 pounds lighter and feel more energetic"

"I'm done with this nasty smoking habit. I want to breath better."

See, these statements make you resonate at a much higher frequency than "DON'T" statements. You will begin to attract that which you focus on the most...you get to decide how you program yourself.

Does this sound hokie and too metaphysical to you?

Have you ever left a friends house after they just complained about how they don’t have this or that and how their life sucks?

I have...all I wanted to do is go home and take a shower to wash their emotional puke off me!

Why did I feel like that? Their energy was a downer...they were resonating at a lower, crappy frequency.

Now, compare that to hanging around positive, optimistic people...it's energizing, isn't it.

You control our frequency. You control our decisions. You control our actions. You control our outcome.

Decide what it is you DO want. Write it down. Look at it every day. Create a future that is void of regrets.


No Regrets and No Whining! Just DO IT!

Be Well,

Dr. Pete

P.S. Please pass this on to someone who needs to hear it. There is so much negative crap flying around in the news and so many people running around wringing their hands in fear that we need to change the frequency!

My goal is to have 10,000 people reading and sharing this blog by October 2009. Let's be the ripple that builds into a Tsunami of self responsibility, healthy living and social consciousness.

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