Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Talk about Inflation!!

This is important...

Today I heard the most depressing statistic I've heard in a long while...it's official...

According to a the most recent government study, the number of people classified as obese has surpassed the number of people simply deemed overweight. What this means is that there are now more REALLY FAT people than just plain ol' fat people in the U.S.

What are the main causes of obesity in America today?

The main causes of obesity in America are unhealthy eating habits and lack of physical activity. Eating foods high in calories, trans-fats, and sugars has lead to obesity. These foods are economical, available at a number of food outlets. Also, lack of physical exertion and sedentary habits such as watching television, sitting for hours in front of computers and playing video games has resulted in the rise of obesity. Apart from unhealthy lifestyle, other factors such as behavioral factors and genetics are some of the causes of obesity in America today.

According to International Health, Raquet and Sportsclub Association (IHRSA) Obesity/Weight Control Report, the obesity epidemic in America is growing day by day. According to these statistics, there is a dangerously overweight U.S. population.

Obesity is increasing greatly in the United States: 3.8 million people have weight over 300 pounds. Over 400,000 people carry over 400 pounds. Most of these are males. The average adult female in USA weighs an at 163 pounds!

The National Center for Health (NCH) has also been tracking America’s obesity problem for more than four decades. Their findings given below support the growing obesity epidemic in America.

* Between 1962 and 2000, the obese people grew from 13% to 31% of the population.
* 68% of Americans are overweight with a BMI in excess of 25.0
* 31% are obese with a BMI in excess of 30.0 (This was in 2000...the latest stats show a different picture!)
* Childhood obesity has more than tripled in the past two decades
* Obesity is responsible for 300,000 deaths every year.

Are you concerned? Whether you have a weight problem, or not, you should be. You see, America is going to collapse under it's own weight.

Think of the mess our "health-care" system is in already. Well, it's about to get much worse unless we do something, right away!

It's been long proven that when you are overweight, your risk of diabetes, heart disease, stroke and cancer increase exponentially. Whose going to pick up the tab? That's right...your kids! The next generation is going to be stuck with the bill for our gluttony. The only problem there is that they learn their eating habits from their parents. What kind of shape do you think they are going to be in?

If you aren't reading this and thinking, "HOLY CRAP"....time to wake up!

As you know by now if you have been following my posts of Kecich's Credo, you know that I'm not into excuses, but rather, the no-holds-barred, no-victims, no-whining, handle-the-problem-head-on-without-flinching approach to life. I'm also pretty darn direct and not too concerned about beng "touchy-feely." As a nation, we have become overly sensitive and need to just suck it up and deal with 'what is' rather than putting such a premium on comfort, convenience and our ever-growing sense of entitlement.

So here's the deal...if you're fat (yes, I'm being politically incorrect...but accurate) TAKE CHARGE AND CHANGE YOUR HABITS...DECIDE TO BE PART OF THE SOLUTION, RATHER THAN PART OF THE PROBLEM.

If you have friends or family members who are overweight...HELP THEM! Encourage them, offer to work out with them. Go for a daily walk with them. Teach them how to eat better and cook healthier foods, take classes with them. Get your church to go for a 5 mile walk every Sunday instead of eating jelly donuts, cinnamon buns and cookies after the service. Organize a nightly "after dinner walk" in your neighborhood. Get a community Frisbee game going on weekends...the ideas and possibilities are endless...just get people moving!

Loosing weight is NOT easy. I get it! But it is do-able. There are many reasons for obesity...emotional trauma, self-esteem, depression, toxic overload, food allergies, hormone imbalances, and plain old "pigging out."

There are solutions to all of the above. Commit to finding what works for you and DO IT.

If you can't do it on your own....get help. For the sake of your health, for the sake of your kids, for the sake of this great country...JUST FREAKIN' DO IT!

If we don't address this issue with a real sense of urgency...where do you think we will be in 2019? 68% of this country is overweight! The Army has had to lower it's fitness standards in order to be able to fill it's ranks. Forget what you may think about this current situation in Iraq...what do you think the future defense of this country is going to look like? As a former Marine Officer and combat leader, I shudder at the thought!

PLEASE take this issue seriously. I'm sorry if my directness struck a chord or hurt your feelings...get mad at me...and then get over it!

Dr. Lolin and I really do care and are more than happy to help you. We do understand that it is not easy and, like giving up smoking or alcohol, it will require life-long vigilance and determination to stay at a healthier weight...but, again, it can be done.

Be well,

Dr. Pete

P.S., I'll continue with the Credo's periodically. As I find important health information though, I'm going to plug that in to keep things interesting.

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