Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Maiden Voyage...

The Maiden Voyage...
Finally, after a number of fits and starts, I am sending an e-newsletter...of sorts.

You see, over the past few weeks I have been working on another book project. (Actually, three...but I've finally focused on the next one I want to finish...more on that at a later date...)

During this time of research, great mental effort and little sleep, I came across Kekich's Credo. (Do a Google search and you will find it.)

David Kekich is a guy who has “been there, done that…got the tee-shirt.” He has built and managed numerous billion dollar businesses. In 1999 he founded of the Maximum Life Foundation, a non-profit which provides funding for advanced anti-aging research. Hopefully, one of these days I will be able to catch up with David to do a telephone interview so you all can learn more from this master of business.

I read David’s Credo and really liked it! It is obviously written by a person who has overcome some serious challenges in life and refused to play the victim...and he has won!

On a whim, I decided to call the number of his foundation in order to ask if I could use the Kekich Credo in an upcoming course I am working on. I didn't really think I would get him, but I thought it wouldn’t hurt to leave a message.

Well, as predicted, I got a voice recording asking me to leave a message. So I did...

"Hi, Mr. Kekich, my name is Dr. Pete Hilgartner. I am calling from Leesburg, Virginia. I just finished a book entitled 'The Secrets of how to Feel 20 Years Younger in 90 Days or Less'. In the process of doing some research for a follow-on seminar to my book, I came across your Credo. I want to ask you for permission to use this and would like to discuss the details at your convenience." I gave my cell phone number and moved on to the next task on my always full To-Do list.


"Hi, Dr. Hilgartner, this is David Kekich. I just got your call…what can I do for you?

We talked for about 15 minutes as he explained his project, (go to www.maxlife.org) and I talked about mine and the vision I have of offering Anti-Aging and Peak Performance information products and seminars both live and on the web. We discussed my book and I told him I would send a copy.

After we hung up I thought, "How many times does a busy guy like that call you right back?”

My next thought was, "Now there is a guy who lives what he speaks and has the results to show for it."

So, I had an idea... (I am known to have a few hundred a minute! Some are actually worth acting on...)

I had been reading the Kekich Credo every morning before I go to work. I have been taking each one in sequential order (there are 100) seeing how I can apply it to my life that day...as a way to drive the point home. Yeah, it takes a little time, planning and discipline but it's about getting massive results in life, for me! Ya can't whine about a little effort if that's what you're looking for.

So here's the idea...

Most of you signed up for this newsletter to learn tips and tricks for better health. Like me, you have decided to take charge of your health and seek information. Some of you have even told me you want to hear from me because you resonate with my own spin on health related subjects.

So what I'm going to do once or twice a week over the next few months is go down the Kekich Credo and discuss how that particular segment can be applied in your life in order to take you ever closer to your health goals.

Who knows, maybe along the way you will find some points that will help you improve the rest of your life, relationships, job, etc, as I have.

So here is a preview...

1. People will do almost anything to stay in their comfort zones. If you want to accomplish anything, get out of your comfort zone. Strive to increase order and discipline in your life. Discipline usually means doing the opposite of what you feel like doing. The easy roads to discipline are 1) setting deadlines, 2) discovering and doing what you do best and what's important and enjoyable to you and 3) focusing on habits by replacing your bad habits and thought patterns, one-by-one, over time, with good habits and thought patterns.

What health habits (or lack thereof) are you holding on to that are keeping you from your goals?

Are you trying to lose weight? Get strong? Get rid of back pain? Maybe you're ignoring your high blood pressure or triglycerides. "Yumm! that pizza just looks too good! I'll be more disciplined tomorrow..."

Here's a wake up call...NO YOU WON'T!

If you want a different outcome in your life, on any dynamic, you have to DO something different, NOW! The same-ol', same-ol 'is gonna get you the same-ol', same-ol'.

Yes, new habits are tough. They take you out of your comfort zone.

Getting up in the morning to stretch before you do anything else (OK, you can go pee first) is going to be new...but what will you gain? Is the pleasure of what you will gain worth the short term discomfort of doing what you haven't done before? What about giving up the donuts and replacing it with an egg? How about taking a walk instead of watching TV?

Change is actually easy once you decide what it is that you really want and don't let anything stand in the way of making that decision a reality. Excuses are simply a way for you to stay in your comfort zone.

When you hear that little voice in your head start to make excuses or rationalize, shout "STOP! Thank you for sharing...now go away...I choose to _______ (fill in the blank.) I'm DONE with my comfort zone!"

You can certainly stay in that warm bed and not go for that walk you planned. After all you can start tomorrow...

The choice is yours...but so are the results.

How are your choices working for you...?

'Til next time,

Be well,

Dr. Pete

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